Tuesday 24 July 2007

The 'Terminator' Press

Andy's taken to devising new combination exercises to pummel our muscles. Yesterday's creation, the 'Terminator' press, is simply brutal. The sequence is; Clean, Press to behind neck, Squat, Behind Neck Press, Inverted Reverse Curl, Inverted Deadlift. Reverse curl bar back to shoulders and repeat from press.
Given there's no chance of any exercise website having an animation for all that, you'll have to rely on that description, at least until I decide to bring a video camera to the gym and start making my own.

Overall, I wasn't too happy with this session. I still feel knackered after being ill last week, and have yet to shake the cough it's left me. Couldn't push myself at all.

The box jumps really cane your quads, too. I was expecting today's boot camp to hurt, and sure enough it did.

ExerciseWarmupSet 1Set 2Set 3
'Terminator' Press15×10kg12×20kg7×22.5kg8×20kg
Dumbell Curls(21s)21×10kg21×10kg21×10kg
22" Box Jumps50
Box Lateral Shuffle30s / 30s †

†: Both legs moving together, symmetrically.

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